Master alloy for casting of 375-585‰ (9-14 Kt) red gold


OR129C is a master alloy for 375-585‰ (9-14 Kt) red gold jewelry, designed for lost-wax casting in open systems. It is also particularly suitable for stone-in-place casting.

The color of 585‰ gold made using OR129C shows a hue, typically known as “Russian red” color. The color of 375‰ gold made using OR129C shows a pink hue.

The hardness of 375-585‰ gold alloyed with OR129C can be moderately increased by means of a heat treatment.

OR129C has a high level of deoxidizers; this makes it suitable for casting in open systems. During melting it is clean from dirt and leaves minimum residue in the crucible.

OR129C offers excellent fluidity in casting; the as-cast tree is clean from oxide scales; it has extremely high shininess and lustrous color after finishing.

SKU: OR129C Kilmės šalis: Italy, LegOr Categories: ,